32 new ranks at 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Hobart, MVP award and more...

Friday December 8 saw a lot of us at 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Hobart get together and celebrate the year, normally we go into the academy and run a few fun competitions and have a BBQ but this year we decided to head to the Republic Bar & Cafe in North Hobart and celebrate with a little more style.

After celebrating and thanking our amazing assistant coaches in the kids and youth programs, Gem Sattler, Jason King and Ashleigh Shreeve we continued onto presenting the Rookie of the Year award and also the Most Valuable Player award.

2024 ROTY went to Alex Howard
2024 MVP went to Ashleigh Shreeve

The following 2 weeks saw many promotion across the academy with a total of 32 new rank presented.
Grey/White: Chris, Florence, Billy, Cruz, Mads
Grey: Jemima, Tarek, Bobbie, Felix, Max, Alex, Adrian, Henry
Grey/Black: Addie, Bodhi, Summer

Yellow/White: Greyson. Seb. Juno
Yellow: Kailey, Jameson, Alex, Tyler
Yellow/Black: Dylan

Orange/White: Jorja - Special mention to our first ORANGE BELT!

Blue Belt:
Matt Bain and Shane Duggan
Purple Belts: Oscar De Gruchy, John Rong, Dan Henderson, Ashleigh Shreeve and Zac Duggan

A huge congratulations to all of the new ranked students!
Thank you to all of the members and supporters for all of the love and support, we cant wait for 2024 with you all.

Jem Havok